Tonight is my last night and subsequently this will be the last blog of the trip from Mexico. I have had a wonderful time here. It has given me a new perspective of life and what is TRULY important to me. People here just don't seem as stressed as we are in the states and I am sure they have just as much to be concerned about as we do if not more. I have realized that there are a lot of things that I can live without, like my cellphone, television and daily drama. It has been a blessing to be able to clear my head on a beach while improving my Spanish. There are a lot of things that will be left behind in Mexico. Worries, concerns and fears. Life is fragile and
unpredictable and we have to make the best of the life we are given. Sometimes, you have to re-negotiate the life that you are given and re-evaluate where you think you should be . Make your life YOURS and not the life that you THINK that everyone expects you to have. Just enjoy where you are, while you are there, because you can NEVER get that time back.
Let your conscious be your guide.
I am now the Black
Philosopher in Mexico. See what happens when you have peace and quiet. Just waiting on Oprah to discover me and make me famous like Dr. Phil.(lol) Adios.
Hey Nik,
I have been reading your blogs, it seems like you are having a great time.
You take care, I love how you grab life by the horns. I am living my life the same and GOD has been so GOOD to me.
I will be home for labor day, hopefully you will be in town, so I can stop by.
Love, Siaundra
Hey girl, looks like you had a wonderful trip. Anthony emailed me your blog, I loved it. You know I told nick about your pictures and everything. over. I am so proud of you for living your life to the fulllest and taking advantage of what life offers you. talk to you soon. I'm using anthony's computer right now , I think he is sleep on the sofa, but I'm not sure! miss you It seems like you've been gone forever! Tracy
Hola my sweet cousin,
I can't believe it's been 11 days and I am proud of you as always. I'm really glad you had this time to explore not just Mexico but the consciousness that is within your own being. Life is fragile and time is something we can't get back but living the life that God intended is the best gift that we can give back to our creator. You're not "surviving " you are "Thriving". So keep in moving to the drum of your own chosen beat!
Love ya
I'll see you at the airport!
Looks like you had fun. I too am jealous but you deserved it gald you shared that with me. Hope all is well with you and the family talk to you later. Maybe one day we can try out you new drink. (lol)
You should be so proud of yourself...traveling by yourself, blogging just about everyday, and becoming bi-lingual...you're unstoppable!
Really, thanks for sharing this experience. I hope to do something like it one day.
I am so proud of you to venture out there by yourself!! Be safe girl. We should do lunch or dinner soon. Haven't seen you since our McKesson days.
Kita R.J.
You look really good, i notice your hair is getting longer.. Go Girl!!!
Best Regards,
D. Alexander Snelling
I loved your trip to Mexico and would love to take a trip like that one day. You go girl ~~~
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