Today, I had class and it went well. Just hard to concentrate with the ocean in the background.(LOL) I know what a complaint to have. I need to practice my verb tenses. I had to read a composition that I wrote in Spanish out loud today( yes I had a flash back of the 1st grade and praying that the teacher would not call on me to read) But by hearing myself out loud it will help with my pronunciation.
Class is over everyday at 3pm and the rest of the day is free. I decided to walk to town, which is approx 2.5 miles. What the heck was I thinking. Ok, I can tell you. I was thinking it is sunny, I am in Mexico, I need the exercise and it is only 2.5 miles. What I did not factor in is the HUMDITY. No way to describe it. The first 1/2 a mile was bearable. Oh my goodness after that, I could have just melted. By the time I got into town, I had shed 3lbs and was sporting an AFRO but still cute.
Ah, now were are talking!!!
I got a question for you:
How difficult it is for you to concentrate in such a place like that???
I am very curious about it??
I need to know before I go down there.
Hola Cuz,
You know I am laughing at you! I feel your pain about waling in the sun, let's not forget me in Tobago but seeing the ocean everyday was worth it! Missing you but soooo glad you are having a great experience!
love ya
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