My flight was a Delta/AeroMexico code share flight. So no slight to AeroMexico. OK, I love to support Delta. Was Platunum on the Airlines for many of years, but today I am a little perturb with them. For international flights, I am allowed TWO pieces of checked luggage and a carry on. Being that I am the supper packer, I had one checked bag and an oversized purse with my laptop. Well, this morning, I get in the hellacious, self-check speed line. What a joke. I thought the whole purpose of self check was to expediate the process. Nevertheless, I self check in the INTERNATIONAL line and then the Delta agents sends all self -check passengers to the 5000 person DOMESTIC self check baggage line. Needless to say I had several explitives flowing out of my mouth once I reached the Domestic side. But it gets better. After standing in line for 35 minutes to check my bag, the oh so rude, my airline just got out of bankruptcy, I dont care any more, my life must really suck agent weighs my ONE bag. 56 lbs.( I had just added my spanish course material to the bag) He says so matter of factly "that will be $80". Are you kidding me? I could not even hold back the laughter. I can check two bags totaling 100lbs for no extra charge but I must pay $80 for 6 lbs. I attempted to have a civily make my plea with the agent. That is 800 pesos, there was no way I was giving that to Delta. Maybe my diction was too clear, because he started rolling his eyes and neck. Ok, this is such an unattractive gesture for a man. Since I think I am too cute to do any jail time Iss, I took the books and a pair of shoes out of the bag and got the weight under 50lbs. I will be using my $80 for Margaritas this week.
ON A GOOD NOTE: I will say, the Pilot or AUTOPILOT landed the plane so smoothly if was like a babies bottom. Too bad that type of service is not throughout Delta. I guess that is why the pilots get paid the big bucks.
Girl - Glad to know you made it. Right after you headed out of Atlanta, thunderstorms have been hitting all day! Have fun!!! Wish I was there :-(.
And btw, gotta love flying these days huh? tedheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee
Hola chica! I'm so glad you made it safely and that you're engaging in such a great experience! You're my shero. LOL! Have fun, take 500 pictures (as we tend to do) and call me when you return!
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Hola, chica, how are you????
You know, I have been reading your blog and it is amazing. I am jealous of you. I am glad you are enjoying it. I wish I were there since I have been working crazy hours here at the institute. We are all happy for you and we want to see you coming back fluent.
Let us know what is going on there everyday. We will check it back tomorrow night.
Have fun and lots of work with your Spanish.
Take care.
Lincoln de Oliveira - Director
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